Permission is automatically given to quote in part or copy in whole any of these documents writtenby the Church of God Santa Rosa as long as credit is stated for the author and this website.
Jesus said in Matthew 10:8, "... freely you have received, freely give."
Statement of Beliefs (Outline)
HTML PDF FileAtonement - A Day of National Significance
HTML PDF FileAtonement - Who Does the Azazel Goat Represent?
HTML PDF FileChurch Administration
HTML PDF FileWhat Is The Church Of God?
HTML PDF FileDivorce and Remarriage - the Assumption
HTML PDF FileEnd Time Guiding Principles
HTML PDF FileThe Foundation
HTML PDF FileThe God Family
HTML PDF FileOfferings
HTML PDF FilePassover - When Observe
HTML PDF FileMonday Pentecost - A Day To Count
HTML PDF FileCounting Monday Pentecost - A Simplified Explanation
HTML PDF FileThe Doctrine Of Monday Pentecost – How And Why It Was Changed!
HTML PDF FileOther websites with Monday Pentecost research:
Bethel Church of God, Monday PentecostChurch of God, The Eternal, Monday Pentecost
Promises of God, Spiritual
HTML PDF FileCharts
Revelation Timeline by Scott : Revelation Timeline by Doug:
PDF File PDF FileThe above charts are purely speculation. No one can predict exactly how and when the events in the book of Revelation will be fulfilled. However, in trying to understand the major events covered in the book of Revelation, it can be helpful to have a visual aid such as a chart. We all have different ways of visualizing events and expressing them in chart form. These charts are Scott's and Doug's personal study aids. And as you will notice, there are slight difference of opinions. They share them hoping you might find them helpful while realizing they are not meant to be the final word in how the book of Revelation will be fulfilled.
Daniel and Revelation Comparison Chart:
PDF FileSeven Churches of Revelation Comparison Chart:
PDF FileTime Line of the Old Testament
(Adam through Solomon. I hope to have rest of theOld Testament done sometime in the future.)
PDF File
Catholics Changed Sabbath to Sunday, Not the Bible
The following web sites discuss how the Sabbath was changed from the seventh day of the week to the first. While technically speaking the Roman Emperor Constantine issued an edict (in order to unite religious factions in his empire) that all his peoples should worship on the first day of the week, the Catholic Church supported, accepted and enforced this change and often take credit for it in their own writings. There are many sites about this topic, but most put their own "spiritual spin" on the topic. The web sites listed below, in our opinion, offer a more accurate and spiritually balanced approach. It is also interesting to note that the Catholic Church considers the Sabbath commandment to be the third of the ten commandments -- which their short version states it as "Remember to keep holy the Lord's day." They drop the Biblical third commandment about graven images and split the last commandment into two commandments about not coveting.Catholic & Protestant Confessions about the Sabbath
Catholic Church Changed Sabbath to Sunday
Who Changed the Sabbath