Ask and You Shall Receive

                                                            Ask for the Spiritual Basics


Matt 7:7-11        Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened

Luke 11:9-13     If we know how to give good gifts to our children, how much more so Father give us His Spirit

John 4:10           If you knew who I was, you would ask God for living water and He would give it to you

2 Kin 2:9-14      Elisha asked for a double portion of the Power of God


Matt 21:22, 17-21        Whatsoever ask in prayer, you shall receive.  Topic is faith.

Mark 11:23-24  Whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them

Mark 9:17-24    Man with demon possessed son said I believe, help my unbelief

Luke 17:5           Disciples asked Jesus to increase their faith


John 14:13-14, 10-16  Whatever we ask, Jesus will do it that the Father be glorified.  Topics are works, love, HS and oneness. 

John 15:7-10      If abide in Jesus, ask what you desire and it shall be done for you. Topic bear more fruit

John 16:23-24    In that day will ask Me nothing.  Whatever you ask the Father in My name He will give you. Topic joy, spiritual

                          Notice this is third time Jesus states this principle in His final discourse to His disciples.

1 John 3:22        Whatever we ask we receive because we keep His commandments

1 John 5:14-15   We have confidence that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. Eternal life.

1 Cor 12:31       Earnestly desire the best gifts.  Yet the best gift is love.


1 Cor 14:1         Follow after love, desire spiritual gifts, preaching being the more useful

1 Cor 14:39       Desire earnestly to prophesy, but do not forbid to speak with tongues.

1 Tim 3:1            To desire the office of a bishop is to desire a good work

James 3:1           Don’t everyone desire to be a teacher, for they receive the greater judgment


James 4:2-3        You have not because you ask not (and you ask amiss to satisfy your lusts)

James 5:16-18    Confess faults and pray for one another that you may be healed.  Fervent prayer avails much.


James 1:5-6        Ask for more wisdom

Prov 2:3-6          Cry out for discernment and understanding.  Seek wisdom for God gives wisdom

2 Chr 1:10          Solomon asked for wisdom and knowledge and got it.  Why don’t we?

Dan 2:17-23       Daniel prayed Nebecanezzar’s dream be revealed to him.  Gave God credit for giving wisdom


Rev 3:17-18       Laodiceans don’t ask for anything because they think they need nothing


One “caveat”

Rom 5:1-5          Just remember, the way God increases our love, faith, wisdom and HS is thru test and trials


We ask for lots of things for our daily needs, help in our tests and trials, protection, etc.  But do we remember to ask God for more of the basics like love, Holy Spirit, physical and spiritual wisdom?  We can and should!