Healing -- Keys to Results


Part 1                  March 29, 2008


1 Cor 11:30         For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep

People in the Corinthian church were weak, sick or dead when they didn’t need to be!

Why?  Because they were not discerning the Lord’s body.


Ten part series on topic of healing with 12 keys to healing, half of which you know and half you probably don’t (because neither did I).  To help answer the question why don’t we have more healings and what we can do to change that.  Not to say there are not healings today, but why aren’t there a higher percentage of healings and healings of a more noticeable miraculous nature.


Jesus’ Individual Healing Miracles

1.              John 4:46-54            Nobleman whose son was sick

BELIEVE -- Put trust and faith in God alone for healing

2.              Mark 1:23-26          Man in synagogue with demon

3.              Mark 1:29-31          Peter’s mother-in-law                           Matt 8:14-15; Luke 4:38-39

4.              Mark 1:40-45          Leper who said “if you are willing”        Matt 8:1-4; Luke 5:12-16

5.              Mark 2:1-12            Paralytic lying on a bed                         Matt 9:1-8; Luke 5:17-16

Healing is the forgiveness of physical  sin.  Yet do we go thru the same process of repentance as spiritual?

6.              John 5:1-16              Impotent man wait for waters to be stirred

Sin no more, change physical life style

7.              Luke 6:6-11             Man with withered hand                        Matt 12:9-13; Mark 3:1-5

8.              Luke 7:1-10             Centurion’s servant Matt 8:5-13

Others added their intercession to Jesus to heal a Gentile Centurion’s servant

9.              Luke 7:11-17           Widow’s son raised to life

They glorified God

10.          Luke 8:2                   Had healed Mary Magdalene and other women of evil spirits

11.          Matt 8:28-34            Two demon-possessed men                  Mark 5:1-10; Luke 8:26-39

12.          Matt 9:20-22            Woman with issue of blood                   Mark 5:25-34; Luke 8:43-48

13.          Matt 9:18-19, 23-26 Jairus’ dead daughter                           Mark 5:22-24, 35-43; Luke 8:41-42, 49-56

14.          Matt 9:27-31            Two blind men

15.          Matt 9:32-33            Demon possessed man who was mute

16.          Matt 12:22               Blind, mute demon-possessed man       

17.          Matt 15:21-28          Syrophenician woman’s daughter          Mark 7:24-30

18.          Mark 7:31-37          A deaf and dumb man

19.          Mark 8:22-26          Blind man.  Jesus laid hands upon him twice.  Why? Don’t know!

20.          Mark 9:14-29          Man’s epileptic son                               Matt 17:14-21; Luke 9:37-43

21.          John 9:1-7                Man born blind

Disciples understood illness involved sin

22.          Luke 11:14-23         Blind, mute demon-possessed man

23.          Luke 13:10-17         Bent over woman

24.          Luke 14:1-4             Man with dropsy

25.          Luke 17:11-19         Ten lepers

Asked for mercy, one gave thanks to whom Jesus said his faith had made him well.  Not true of others?

26.          John 11:1-46            Lazarus raised from dead

Miracles to help faith of others

27.          Luke 18:35-43         Two blind men near Jericho                  Matt 20:29-34; Mark 10:46-52

Kept Crying out for mercy

28.          Luke 22:49-51         Malchus’ severed ear

Part 2              April 12, 2008


Jesus’ General  Healing Miracles

Matt 4:23-25        Jesus went about all Galilee teaching and healing all kinds of sickness and disease

Matt 8:16-17        When evening came, they brought many sick and He healed all

Matt 9:35             Jesus went about all the cities, teaching and healing every sickness and disease

Matt 12:15           Great multitudes followed Jesus and He healed them all

Matt 14:14           Jesus saw the multitude and moved with compassion, He healed their sick

Matt 14:34-36      People of Gennesaret brought to Him all that were sick, and He made them perfectly well

Matt 15:30-31      Multitudes came to Him, having their sick, and He healed them

Matt 19:2             Great multitudes followed Jesus and He healed them all

Matt 21:14           The blind and the lame came to Him in the temple and He healed them

Jesus healed the multitudes, many believed and would believe when they saw the signs and miracles He did

Mark 1:34; Mark 3:10-11; Luke 4:40-41; Luke 5:15: Luke 6:17-19; Luke 7:21-22; Luke 9:11; John 2:23

Jesus must have healed multiple thousands of people!


Jesus gave power to His 12 disciples over unclean spirits and to heal sickness and disease

Matt 10:1, 8; Luke 9:1-6, 11; Mark 3:15          Jesus sent out the 12

Mark 6:7, 12-13  Jesus sent out the 12 2 by 2 and they anointed many with oil and healed them

Public healing is most always accompanied with the preaching of the gospel – the good news of our Savior


Jesus sent out 70 disciples where He was to have future visits, to preach and heal the sick

Luke 10:1-9, 17  


Disciples Healing Miracles

1.          Acts 3:1-11          Peter and John heal lame man at temple

2.          Acts 5:15-16        People put sick out into the streets so shadow of Peter might fall on some of them

3.          Acts 9:17-18        Ananias lays hands on Paul so his sight is restored

4.          Acts 9:33-35        Peter heals Aeneas, man with palsy in Lydda

5.          Acts 9:36-42        Peter resurrects Dorcas

6.          Acts 14:8-10        Paul heals cripple in Lystra

7.          Acts 16:16-18      Paul cast out demon from damsel with spirit of divination in Philippi

8.          Acts 19:11-12      Paul uses handkerchiefs from his body to heal the sick

9.          Acts 20:9-12        Paul resurrects Eutychus who had fallen three stories while Paul preaching

10.      Acts 28:3-5          Paul not harmed by viper that came out of the fire

11.      Acts 28:8-9          Paul heals father of Publius of a fever and dysentery, then others come for healing

12.      Phil 2:27               God had mercy on Epaphroditus who was sick unto death


Why did the Father give the power to heal so frequently and miraculously at this time?

1.   Help prove Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of God

John 3:2           Nicodemus stated that Pharisees knew Jesus was a teacher come from God because of miracles

2.   To call attention to the message Jesus was preaching

The multitudes came to be healed and stayed to hear what Jesus preached

Jesus had compassion on the people

3.      Show that the power of God was also in the disciples of Jesus

Acts 5:11-14    People respected and feared the apostles because of their miracles

4.  To allow disciples the opportunity to preach the Gospel of Jesus

Acts 3:12-26    Peter used opportunity to preach the Gospel of Jesus

5.   To help lay the foundation of the New Testament church and show this was the Church of God

6.  To increase the faith of the believers

7.   Alleviate the suffering of the people

Part 3              April 20, 2008 First Day of Unleavened Bread


1 Cor 11:30         For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep

People in the Corinthian church were weak, sick or dead when they didn’t need to be!

Why?  Because they were not discerning the Lord’s body.  IMPORTANT!  What does this mean?


The Lord’s body:

(1)   Jesus’ blood, shed for our spiritual sins

1 Cor 11:25         (Matt 26:28 LB) … this is my blood, sealing the new covenant.  It is poured out to forgive the sins of multitudes”

(2)   Jesus’ body beaten and sacrificed for our sins; the way of life He represented

1 Cor 11:24         Bread represents the body of Jesus, broken for us    

(3)   The church and how we interact, treat other members of the body

Col 1:24           Rejoice in sufferings of Paul for the church for the sake of His body, which is the church

1 Cor 12:12, 25-27  No divisions in body of Jesus which we collectively are.  Care for one another.

(4)   Follow Jesus’ example, how Jesus lived His life.

2 Cor  4:10      We carry in our body the dying of Jesus, that the life of Jesus may be manifested in our body

                        Do we follow His pattern of living life?  Did He overeat, lack exercise, etc.

1 Cor 11:23-30    Not discerning the Lord’s body

Discerning means “to separate thoroughly” – to withdraw from, by implication to oppose.  Corinthians were not separating (1) regular food from sacraments (2) the interpersonal relationships that lead to division in the church.  Discerning can also be translated “to judge”, hence proper judgment of the Lord’s body

The Corinthian church had many problems:

1 Cor 1:11           Contentions between members

1 Cor 3:3             Strife and division

1 Cor 5:1             Many sexual sins and their tolerance for those who committed such sins

1 Cor 6:6             Suing each other in court

How much we appreciate the sacrifice of Christ is reflected in how we treat each other, especially within church

1 Cor 12:11-13    One spirit, one body

1 Cor 12:25-27    No schisms in the body, same care one for another, one suffers, all suffer

1 Cor 13              The love chapter

1 Cor 14:12         Use spiritual gifts to edify the church, not the self

1 John 2:8-12       The new commandment.  Must love brother to say walk in the light

1 John 1:7            If we walk in light, we have fellowship with one another, the Jesus’ blood cleanses us from sin


1 John 2:6            We should walk as Jesus walked

We usually apply this spiritually, as is appropriate.  But shouldn’t we also apply it physically?  Yes!

1 Cor 3:16-17      Our bodies are the temple of God.  If defile the temple of God, God will destroy that body

1 Cor 6:19-20      Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.  Glorify God in you body.

2 Cor 5:10           We will appear before the judgment seat, for things we’ve done in the body, good or bad

1 Pet 2:21-24       Jesus suffered for us, leaving us an example.  He protected those He loved when facing death and died in our place.  Bare our sins in His own body, by whose stripes we are healed

Rev 21:8;1 Cor 6:9-10  Bible never says physical sins will keep us out of KOG, just spiritual sins

Isa 58:6-9            To receive healing need to:

1.       stop sinning   2.  don’t oppress your neighbor   3.  share with needy

Walk as, follow in Jesus’ footsteps, follow His example, 4.  Spiritually, and 5.  Physically

We are required to honor the spiritual and the physical example of Jesus.  We are required to obey the spiritual and physical laws of God – whether or not the al of the physical laws of God are or are not in the Bible.  God expects us to use our heads to determine His physical laws of heath as that is something fairly easy to determine and doesn’t put all of them in his spiritual instruction book.

1 Cor 11:18-34
Part 4              June 14, 2008

1.      Put trust and faith in God alone for healing (not that doing what should or going to doctors is wrong)

Deut 32:39           No other God, God kills and makes alive, He wounds and heals

Psa 30:2               David cried to God and was healed

2 Kings 1:1-4       Ahaziah fell thru a lattice and was sick.  Inquired of Beelzebub.  Elijah told him he would die

2 Chr 16:12-13    Asa had a disease in his feet, but he did not seek God but the physicians and died

Mark 2:17            Jesus said sick need a physician, balance.  Physicians back then different than today’s doctors

Mark 5:24-30      Some, many things physicians cannot, or do not know how to treat

Mark 6:1-6          In His own town He marveled at their unbelief, and He could do no mighty work, healed a few         

John 12:37-41      Although Jesus had done so many signs, they did not believe, Isaiah 6:10 quoted

Even Jesus couldn’t do many miracles in home town, because people didn’t believe He could do it.  Going to doctors, taking drugs (morphine when in pain), following alternative health is not in itself wrong.  But may expect too much from doctors, alternative health, drugs.  These may do great things, but miracles from them? 

Mark 9:14-29      Man’s epileptic son.  All things are possible to him who believes.  Help my unbelief.


2.  Repent of physical sins, pray for forgiveness, whether our own, forefathers, accident, happenchance,  or just being degenerate human flesh & blood.  Accept, respect the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

Psa 32:1-5           When I kept silent, my bones grew old – health problems.  I confessed sins, God forgave

Psa 103:3             Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases,

Isa 33:24              (LB) For the people of Israel will no longer say, “We are sick and helpless,” for the Lord will forgive them their sins and bless them.

Mark 2:5-11        Which is easier to say, your sins be forgiven, or rise up and walk

James 5:15           Get anointed, etc.  If sins have been committed (someone else may be the sinner), forgiven

Not always our sins.  Can be sins of someone else or forefathers. 

Or, one exception, God allows Satan to afflict us so we can build character.  But don’t use this as a “cop out”.

Job 2:7-10           Job needed to learn lesson to trust in God’s righteousness, not his own.  Maybe not a sin, but definitely a major character flaw.  I personally don’t thing Job was converted before this trial.  God used this experience to teach Job about His greatness and lead Job to spiritual conversion.

1 Pet 2:24            Jesus bore our sins in His body on the tree, by whose stripes we are healed. Passover Bread!

1 John 1:9            If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins

Healing is by stripes, death of Jesus.  We should repent of our, or others, physical sins before expect healing.

A MAJOR POINT:  We must recognize illness as sin, yes, a physical sin, but sin none the less.  And we should go through the same process we do as for spiritual sins.  But we usually do not.  This is a big mistake, especially if we’re asking God to heal us.


3.  Pray for God’s mercy and healing

Psa 6:2                 Have mercy on me, for I am weak, O Lord, heal me

Psa 31:9-10         Have mercy one me, for I am in trouble.  My eyes waste away, yes, my soul and my body

Psa 41:4-10         Lord, be merciful to me; Heal my soul (body), for I have sinned against You

Psa 103:13-17     As a father pities his children, so God remembers we are dust.  Has mercy if fear Him

Luke 18:35-39     Those who wanted to be healed in gospels always asked for “mercy” not “healing”!!!!


4.  Call elders (plural) for an anointing

James 5:13-15      Call for elders and let them pray.

Acts 19:11-12      Paul sent out handkerchiefs from his own clothing.  Anointed with oil?  Probably.

                            Jesus and disciples often anointed with oil as we’ve read before


5.  Share ailments with others so they can pray with us for our healing 

James 5:16-18      Confess physical faults one to another.

We like to keep our physical problems secrets to ourselves, vanity

Rom 12:15           Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep

1 Cor 12:25-27    No schisms in the body, same care one for another, one suffers, all suffer

Gal 6:2                 Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law (of love) of Christ

Part 5                  July 19, 2008


6.      Must do your best to love and obey God in all things, including physical laws of health

Ex 15:26              If you obey, no disease like on Egyptians, for I am the Lord that heals you

Ex 23:25              If you serve God, He will bless your bread and water and take sickness away

Deut 7:15             If love God, God will not afflict you with the terrible diseases of Egypt

Deut 28:15, 27, 35, 58-61        If Israel disobeyed, God would plague them with diseases which cannot be healed

Diseases of today are the result of disobedience to God’s laws, spiritually and physically.

We treat sickness and disease as if it were “normal”.  It is not “normal”.  God did not want us to be ill.

There are sometimes physical consequences for spiritual sins.  God doesn’t give us many physical health laws in the Bible.  He expect mankind to figure out physical laws of health on their own and consequences for breaking those too.

1 Sam 5:6, 9, 12   God struck the people of Ashdod with tumors for mishandling the ark

Isa 3:17                God will strike with a scab, the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion

Psa 38:3-5           There is no soundness in my flesh, nor health in my bones because of my sin

3 John 1:2            I wish above all things that you prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers


7.  Change, stop sinning physically, do what can to follow God’s physical laws so body can heal itself

As a Sunday, Christmas and Easter keeper, when you find out those are wrong and you repent, you don’t go back to keeping them.  Neither when we have a disease and ask for healing, should we afterwards go back to the same physical bad health habits. 

A MAJOR POINT:  We must recognize illness as sin, yes, a physical sin, but sin none the less.  And we should go through the same process we do as for spiritual sins.  But we usually do not.  This is a big mistake, especially if we’re asking God to heal us.  Even getting a “cold” means we’re not living healthy!

And if really not your fault, ask “What lesson does God want me to learn from this?”  (like Job)

Psa 107:17-20     (LB) Fools were sick because of sinful ways, then cry out to the Lord.  He spoke, healed them

Jos 5:8                 Bible does refer to body’s own ability to heal itself. Men took time to heal after circumcision

Isa 38:21              Hezekiah put fig poultice on a boil  (2 Kings 20:7)

1 Tim 5:23            Paul instructed Timothy to drink a little wine for his stomach’s sake

John 5:14             Jesus told the lame man to “sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon you”

Luke 10:34           Jesus gave parable of good Samaritan who took care of wounds of man on roadside

Matt 9:12             Jesus said the sick have need of a physician

God expects us to take care of ourselves, seek help of physicians as necessary (but don’t trust for healing).

Physicians should be more of an educator in the physical health care of the body, not just cut, burn and drug

Rev 22:2            In the midst of New Jerusalem’s street, trees of life, the leaves of which are to heal the nations

Hos 4:6              My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge

People don’t care or are willing ignorant of health and they suffer poor health because of it

We should exercise (low impact, low stress) an hour a day 5 days a week. 

Eat a diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, low fat, etc.

Don’t stress out about life (trust in God).  Stress in the number one cause of illness in developed nations.

Enjoy life.  Be content with what God has given us.  Have faith in promises of God.

Don’t “kill” yourself over your job and neglect God, family and friends. Take vacations.

Mark 6:30-32      Jesus took disciples to a deserted place so they could rest for a while

Just as the world is deceived about religion, so it is with health.  We should search for truth in both areas.


8.   Keep asking, persist, don’t give up and be patient?

Psa 77:1-12         In the day of trouble David stretched out his hand to God without ceasing

Psa 86:1-7           Preserve my life.  Be merciful to me, O Lord, for I cry to You all day long

Luke 18:1             Parable of unjust judge to illustrate ought always to pray and not lose heart

Rom 12:12           Patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer

2 Cor 12:8           Paul made special intercession three times asking for healing

Part 6              September 20, 2008


9.  Be positive and happy as you trust in God and what He will do

Prov 17:22           A merry heart does good, like medicine.  But a broken spirit dries the bones

Prov 12:25           Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression

Prov 13:12           Hope deferred makes the heart sick

Prov 18:14           (LB) A man’s courage can sustain his broken body, but when courage dies, what hope is left?

Rom 5:2-5            Rejoice in hope of the glory of God.  Glory in tribulations, develops perseverance, character

James 1:2             Count it all joy when fall into different trials

Scientific studies have been conducted which show that people who are positive and upbeat more often recover from serious illnesses, faster and more thoroughly.  This includes studies on those who pray compared to those who do not.  The mind alone is a power influence on the body.  And we have more than that, we have God.

See document “Healing Researchers Look At Prayer”.  Do web search on “Positive Thinking Health”.



10.  Do unto others as you would have then do unto you

Have compassion on the sick

Matt 25:36, 43     Jesus said when we visit the sick, it is same as visiting Him

1 Cor 12:25-26    When one part of the body hurts, the whole body hurts

Rom 12:15           Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep

Gal 6:2                 Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ

James 2:14-17      When see poor and hungry and poor and say God bless you, but don’t do anything to help them, this is bad

James 5:15-16      Pray for others as expect them to pray for you

Job 30:25             Have I not wept for him who was in trouble?  Has not my soul grieved for the poor?

Prov 12:18           The tongue of the wise promotes health

Prov 16:24           Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the bones

Isa 50:4                God has given Me the tongue of the learned, know how to speak a word to him who is weary

Isa 58:8                When help the poor, then our light will shine and healing will spring forth

Fast for those in need of God’s intervention

Fasting when others are ill serves two purposes:

1.                  The “pain” of fasting helps us relate to the pain those who are ill are enduring

2.                  We need to seek the healer, not just the healing.  Get closer to God in humility.

Psa 35:13             David fasted when his enemies were sick

2 Sam 12:16         David fasted when his child by Bathsheba was dying

Isa 58:6-8            Proper fast, stop taking advantage of others, actually help then.  Then your health will spring forth speedily


11.  Accept God’s answer even if it is death – you will be healed in the resurrection

2 Cor 12:7-10      God didn’t heal Paul’s eyes – more important to help keep him humble

                            Paul asked three times for healing.  Sometimes not good for us to be healed in this lifetime.

Prov 14:32           (LB) The godly have a refuge when they die, but the wicked are crushed by their sins.

Psa 116:15           The death of a righteous person is precious to God

Isa 57:1                The righteous dies and none consider they are spared from troubles ahead



12.  Give thanks for all that God has done for you, both before and then especially after healed

Put as much time in prayer thanking God for what received as did in asking for what needed

Psa 107:17-20     We read this before.

Psa 107:21-22, 8, 15, 31         Now read how when God answers prayers, we should praise God

Phil 4:6                 Don’t be anxious, in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, make requests

Col 4:2                 Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving


Part 7              October 15, 2008                    Feast of Tabernacles 2008


Healing of Land of Israel and Other Powers


2 Chr 7:14          God appears to Solomon after Temple dedication saying He would heal land of Israel when they return to Him

Psa 60:2             You have made the earth tremble and broken it; heal its breaches, for it is shaking

Isa 1:6                Israel from the sole of the foot to the head, no soundness, but wounds and bruises that haven’t been cared for with ointment

Isa 19:22            In Millennium, God will strike Egypt, they will turn to Him and He will heal them

Isa 30:26            In the day that the Lord binds up the wounds of His people and heals them

Isa 57:16-19      God won’t be angry with Israel forever.  He will restore and heal Israel

Jer 3:22              God says to return to Him and he will heal our backslidings

Jer 8:22              Is there no balm in Gilead or physician to help my people’s health to recover

Jer 14:19            God has stricken Israel.  They looked for healing and there was trouble

Jer 15:18            Israel complains, why is my wound incurable which refuses to be healed

Jer 17:14            Jeremiah pleads for healing, save me, while Israel is being destroyed

Jer 30:12-17      Israel has no healing medicines.  God will restore health to Zion and heal her of her wounds   

Jer 33:6              God will bring it health and healing, I will heal them with peace and truth

Jer 46:11            Egypt will use many medicines in vain, they shall not be cured

Jer 51:8-9          Babylon is not healed

Eze 30:21           Pharaoh king of Egypt has a broken arm and no bandage for healing

Eze 47:8-11       Waters flow from temple to salt sea to heal its waters

Hos 5:13            Ephraim and Judah have wounds, go to Assyria that cannot heal them

Hos 6:1              Let us return to the Lord, He has torn, but He will heal us

Hos 7:1              I would have healed Israel, but the iniquity of Ephraim was uncovered

Hos 11:3            God taught Ephraim to walk, but they did not realize I healed them

Hos 14:4            God will heal Israel’s backsliding, I will love them freely

Nah 3:19            Your injury has no healing

Rev 13:3, 12      False beast has one of heads mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed

Isa 58:8              When help the poor, then our light will shine and healing will spring forth


We know God is not going to heal Israel and this world until after He send Jesus Christ back to rule this earth.


Part 8                  January 10, 2009




Old Testament Healing Miracles

1.   Gen 20:17              Abraham pray for Abimelech wife and female servants so they could bear children

2.   Num 12:9-15         Miriam cursed with leprosy, assumption is that she was healed after 7 days                   

3.   1 Kings 17:17-24   Elijah raises dead son of the woman whose oil and flour did not run out for their food

4.   2 Kings 2:19-22     Elisha healed the bad water by pouring salt in it                         

5.   2 Kings 4:18-37     Elisha raises the widow’s son                                       

6.   2 Kings 4:38-41     Elisha neutralizes the poison in the pottage                    

7.   2 Kings 5:1-19       Elisha cures Naaman of leprosy                                                

8.   2 Kings 13:20-21   Putting dead man in tomb of Elisha, revived when his body touched bones of Elisha       

9.   2 Kings 20:1-11     Hezekiah healed after putting a lump of figs on his boil (Isa 38:1-8) 


Were other healings we can assume in the Old Testament, they are just not recorded for us

Psa 30:2-4           David cried to God and was healed

Ex 15:26              If you obey, no disease like on Egyptians, for I am the Lord that heals you


Bible speaks of natural healing:

Ex 21:18-19         If men get into a fight, one injured, other pays livelihood until he is thoroughly healed

Lev 13:18, 37; 14:3, 48            Law regarding leprosy

Jos 5:8                 Men of Israel circumcised before entering Canaan, stayed put until healed


God also makes people sick or infirmed

Gen 19:11            Angel strikes Sodomites with blindness

Gen 20:18            God had closed wombs of the household of Abinelech because he’d taken Sarah

Num 12:9-10       Miriam cursed with leprosy

1 Sam 25:38         God struck Nabal with stroke and 10 days latter death

2 Sam 12:15         God struck David and Bathsheba’s first child with sickness unto death

2 Kings 5:26-27   Naaman leprosy given to Gehazi for taking the money from Naaman

2 Kings 6:18-23   Syrians as they came against Israel struck with blindness by Elisha

2 Chr 13:20          Jeroboam stuck down by God and he died

2 Chr 21:12-20    Because Judah had sinned, God would strike people with serious affliction

2 Chr 26:16-21    Leprosy broke out on Uzziah because he went into the Temple where only priest should go

Micah 6:9-13       Because of your wickedness, I will make you sick in smiting you

Acts 9:8-9, 17-18  Paul blind for 3 days after Jesus appeared to him on the road

Acts 13:8-11        Paul pronounced blindness on Elymas the sorcerer


Sickness and plagues to afflict those who disobey

Lev 26:16

Deut 28:22, 27-28, 35

Deut 29:22


Part 9                  February 28, 2009


Sickness in the Psalms

Psalms of Sickness: Psalms 6, 35, 41, 86, 88 and others as determined by various readers

Psa 6:1-2             Don’t rebuke me in anger, have mercy on me for I am weak, heal me

Sickness Psalms: Psalms 31 to 41 after David’s sin in 2 Sam 24 where he numbered Israel

Psa 30:2               David cried to God and was healed

Psa 38:7               My loins are full of inflammation, there is no soundness in my flesh

Psa 41:3-4           Lord, be merciful to me; heal my soul, for I have sinned against You


Psa 103:3             Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases,

Psa 107:17-20     (LB) Fools were sick because of sinful ways, then cry out to the Lord.  He spoke, healed them


Spiritual Sickness and Healing

2 Chr 30:18-20    Hezekiah prayed that God would “heal” the people who weren’t ready for Passover

Psa 147:3             He heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds

Isa 6:9-10            Dull the hearts of these people, closed ears and eyes, lest they see and be healed

Isa 61:1                Jesus to be sent to heal the brokenhearted

Jer 6:14                They have healed the hurt of My people slightly, saying peace, peace, when there is none

Jer 8:11                Ditto

Lam 2:13-14        Who can heal My people?   Their prophets have seen false and deceptive visions

Eze 34:4, 16         God’s indictment against shepherds of Israel because don’t heal those who are sick

Zech 11:16           God will raise up a shepherd who will not care for those who are cut off nor heal

Mal 4:2                To those who fear My name, the Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing

Matt 13:15           Quoting Isaiah that eyes were closed lest He should heal them

Mark 4:12            Quoting Isaiah 6:10 with lest I forgive their sins instead of “heal them”

Luke 4:16-27       In Nazareth, quotes Isaiah.  Tells people they will say to Him, physician heal yourself

John 12:37-42      Although Jesus had done so many signs, they did not believe, Isaiah 6:10 quoted

Acts 28:26-28      Paul quotes Isaiah 6:10 to Jews in Rome, eyes closed lest they should be healed

Heb 12:11-13      Be strong, make straight paths for your feet so don’t get lost, but rather be healed


Mark 2:17        Jesus came to call sinners to repentance, those who are “spiritually” sick.


Yet Jesus did not “convert” any one during His ministry.  Not until the coming of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost were people converted and the real spiritual healing process began.  All of which was the result of Jesus’ 3 ½ year ministry and the grace, mercy and power of God the Father.

Part 10            May 23, 2009


Lessons Learned from Jesus’ Individual Healing Miracles

BELIEVE -- Put trust and faith in God alone for healing

Disciples understood illness involved sin

Healing is the forgiveness of physical  sin.  Yet do we go thru the same process of repentance as spiritual?

Sin no more, change physical life style

Others added their intercession to Jesus to heal a Gentile Centurion’s servant

Asked for mercy, not healing

Kept Crying out for mercy

Miracles to help faith of others

Jesus disappointed when only one returned to give thanks for his healing

They glorified God


1.  Put trust and faith in God alone for healing (not that doing what should or going to doctors is wrong)

2.  Repent of physical sins, pray for forgiveness, whether our own, forefathers, accident, happenchance,  or just being degenerate human flesh & blood.  Accept, respect the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

3.  Pray for God’s mercy and healing

4.  Call elders (plural) for an anointing

5.  Share ailments with others so they can pray with us for our healing 

6.  Must do your best to love and obey God in all things, including physical laws of health

7.  Change, stop sinning physically, do what can to follow God’s physical laws so body can heal itself

8.   Keep asking, don’t give up, be persistent and be patient

9.  Be positive and happy as you trust in God and what He   will do

10.  Do unto others as you would have then do unto you

11.  Accept God’s answer even if it is death – you will be healed in the resurrection

12.  Give thanks for all that God has done for you, both before and then especially after healed


Why aren’t there more healings among God’s people at this time?

Acts 5:12-16        Multitudes brought their sick to Jerusalem and they were all healed by apostles

Acts 8:5-8            Philip went to Samaria and preached, casting out demons and healing the lame

Acts 14:3             Signs and wonders followed Paul in Iconium

Rom 15:18-19      Gentiles came to God thru the mighty signs and wonders that Paul did by power of HS

2 Cor 12:12         The signs of an apostle, signs and wonders and mighty deeds, were done before Corinthians

Mark 16:17-20    Jesus said signs of healing would follow His disciples.  Why not now?  Not at this time?

Mark 3:14-15      Jesus appointed 12 to be with Him and to send them out to preach, heal, cast out demons

John 14:12           He that believes in Jesus will do the works that Jesus did; and greater works

1 Cor 12:8-10      HS gifts include healings, miracles, prophecy, tongues.  Why don’t we have any of these gifts?

Acts 4:29-30        Apostles prayed for boldness to preach by giving them power to heal and do signs & wonders


1.  God grants public healings to glorify His Name, and it is not yet the time for that

Therefore not fair to make comparisons to what Jesus and apostle were granted in spiritual gifts.

It could be that at the time of the very end, gifts of healing may be handed out again to God’s people.


2.  We don’t follow all 12 principles for healing


3.  We live in a world capable of near miraculous physical achievements in medicine, makes it harder to truly and fully put faith and trust in God alone


4. God has a more important lesson for us to learn thru a trial that we wouldn’t learn thru healing

2 Cor 12:7-10      Paul sought healing 3 times.  God said His mercy was sufficient for Paul.  Humility important


5.  None of us deserve healing, it is all determined by the mercy of God.  We are not entitled to be healed even if we live by all 12 principles, obey God in near perfection.  Not a contract.  Sometimes God’s mercy is to let us die.

(Psa 116:15          The death of a righteous person is precious to God)

(Isa 57:1               The righteous dies and none consider they are spared from troubles ahead)

(1 Kings 14:1, 12-13  Abijah son of Jeroboam fell sick.  God “let him” die because some good in him toward the Lord)


6.  We don’t know the mind of God. Why God has mercy on one person and not another is only known to God.

Isa 55:8-9            We don’t know God’s thoughts

Isa 40:13-14        God doesn’t need our council on what to do


7.  Being healed is not the most important thing in our existence.  Developing the love of God in our lives and receiving God’s loving gift of eternal life is the most important.

1 Cor 12:28-31    Not everyone has the gift of healing, etc. Paul said to earnestly desire the better gifts.  And yet there is a better way than any of the mention gifts.  Love.

1 Cor 14:1           Pursue love, desire spiritual gifts, especially that you may preach

1 Cor 13:8           Gifts of HS may cease, but love never fails



Summary and Conclusions


Heb 9:27              Appointed to all men to die.  This physical body will die sooner or later, just a matter of how.

(2 Kings 12:14     Elisha became sick and died)


Should healing be the sole determining factor of whether or not we believe and have faith in God?  No!

John 4:48             Jesus chided Jews because they refused to believe unless they say many signs and wonders

John 12:37-38      Jesus said how many signs must I do before you believe

Even if we had the gift to perform miraculous healings, doesn’t mean a lot of people would believe in truth.

Matt 7:22             Many will say Lord, Lord, we have preached in Your name, cast out demons and done many wonders.  But Jesus will say I never knew you

Matt 24:24           False Christ will arise and show great signs and wonders to deceive


There are healings.  Probably many of them.  We just don’t know about them.

What we’re really saying may be: “Why isn’t everyone healed that I think should be?” 

We’re making an unfair comparison.  We want the “public” healing like at the time of Jesus’ and apostle’s ministries. 


Ecc 3:3                 A time to kill, a time to heal; 


Healing is thru the mercy of God, just like forgiveness.  Healing is a gift, God alone decides when and to whom  to give this gift to and when to refrain from giving.  You can’t use physical, human logic to figure out who is going to be healed and who is not.  Even with the HS, we can not always determine why some are healed and others are not.  This is only known in full to God and we will only understand fully when we become members in His family at the resurrection. 


In one sense, either everyone will be healed of everything in the resurrection to life eternal, or they will be destroyed forever in the Lake of Fire.  At the resurrection to life eternal, we will have a spiritual body than can never suffer like our present physical bodies – no more sickness, no more tears.  An eternal healthy spiritual body instead of this temporary,  physical body subject to all types of ailments and accidents.