Trust God, Not in the Physical
Our Physical World Makes
Faith Difficult
(Living Bible)
Part 1 December
22, 2007 Trust Not In Wealth
This physical world that we live in makes it difficult to have faith in God.
We have welfare and other agencies, don’t need to trust God to provide food.
We have doctors and medical science, don’t need to trust God for healing
Our military has sophisticated bombers, fighters, ships, electronic surveillance, don’t need to trust God to fight
We have the internet and libraries, don’t need to trust God for knowledge and wisdom
As we review these topics, lets ask ourselves how much faith and trust in God do we really exercise? Vs. how much do we trust in what we can do for ourselves.
Job 31:24-28 If I have made gold my hope, rejoiced in my wealth, this would be a sin
Psa 52:1, 5-9 God destroys wicked who trust in the abundance of their riches
Psa 62:10 If riches increase, do not set your heart on them
Prov 11:4, 28 Riches do not profit in the day of wrath, righteousness delivers from death
Zeph 1:18 Silver nor gold will be able to deliver sinners in day of the Lord’s wrath
Matt 6:19-21 Don’t save up treasures on this earth but in heaven
Luke 12:13-23 Man who built bigger barns. He who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God
Luke 12:28-34 Sell what have and give alms, provide treasure in heaven that does not fail. Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also
Luke 18:18-30 Man not willing to give up riches to follow Jesus. How hard it is for those who have riches to enter the KOG
1 Tim 6:6-10, 17-19 Be content with food and clothing. Those who desire to be rich fall into temptations. Love of money is a root of all kinds of evil
James 2:1-8 Don’t show favoritism (expecting something?) toward the rich
James 2:14-17 We who have wealth are the answer to the poor who have trust in God to help them, thru us!
James 5:1-6 Rich man, don’t trust in your money
Eze 7:19-22 People will thro their silver and gold into the streets
Trust God, Not in the Physical
Our Physical World
Makes Faith Difficult
(Living Bible)
Trust Not in Wealth -- Part 1
Part 2 January
26, 2008 Trust Not In Men
Don’t trust in sword and foreign
alliances – or terrorist
Psa 20:7 Some trust in chariots or horses, but we will remember the name of the Lord or God
Psa 33:16-22 No king is saved by a mighty army, a might man is not delivered by great strength
Psa 44:1-8 I will not trust in my bow or sword to save me
Prov 21:30-31 The horse is prepared for the day of battle, but deliverance is of the Lord
Isa 30:1-5 Israel went to Egypt for help and didn’t ask God for His advice. Will be shamed, humiliated
Isa 31:1-3 Woe to those who go down to Egypt for help and rely on horses and chariots because many
Jer 37:5-10 Judah trusted in help from Egypt. God says the Chaldeans will burn the city even if only a few
2 Chr 16:7-9 Seer said to Asa, because you relied on Syria and not God, Syria is escaped from your hand
Deut 28:52 Your trust in your high fortified walls will not protect you
Psa 3:3 The Lord is a shield and glory to us, the One who lifts up our head
Psa 68:19-20 God is our salvation. To God belong escapes from death
Psa 147:10-11 God does not delight in the strength of the horse or legs of a man, but those who fear Him
Hos 1:6-7 I will personally free her from her enemies without any help from her armies or her weapons
Zech 4:6-7 Not by might or power, but my God’s spirit power Zerubbabel defeat enemies, finish temple
Don’t trust in men
Psa 118:8-9 It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man
Psa 146:3 Do not put your trust in princes
Jer 9:3-6 Don’t trust in neighbors who lie and do evil
Jer 17:5-10 Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength
Mic 7:1-7 Do not trust in a friend or put confidence for everybody hurts his brother and does evil
Don’t trust doctors
2 Chr 16:12-13 Asa had a disease in his feet, but he did not seek God but the physicians and died
Mark 5:25-34 Woman who went to physicians for 12 years came and touched Jesus and was healed
Mark 2:17 Jesus said sick have need of a physician
Ex 15:26 If you obey, no disease like on Egyptians, for I am the Lord that heals you
Psa 30:2 David cried to God and was healed
Luke 9:2,11 Jesus sent out disciple to preach the KOG and to heal. Multitudes came to Jesus for healing
2 Kings 20:1-7 Hezekiah told to put fig poultice on his boil
James 5:13-16 Confess physical ailments to others, ask for prayer, ask for anointing of elders
1 Pet 2:24 By whose stripes ye were healed
Rev 22:1-2 Leaves of the tree of life on both sides of river of pure water for the healing of the nations
Trust God, Not in the Physical
Our Physical World
Makes Faith Difficult
(King James)
Trust Not in Wealth -- Part 1
Trust Not in Men -- Part 2
Part 3 March
15, 2008 Trust Not In Physical
Don’t trust in own wisdom, knowledge
Prov 3:5-7 Lean not on your own understanding. Be not wise in your own eyes
Prov 14:12 There is a way that seems right unto a man, but it leads to death
Prov 26:12 More hope for a fool than a man who is wise in his own eyes
Prov 28:26 He who trust in his own heart is a fool
Isa 5:20-21 Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes; who call evil good, and good evil
Jer 9:23-24 God says, let not the wise man glory in his wisdom or the rich man in his riches
Jer 10:23 It is not in man who walks to direct his on steps
Jer 17:7-10 (LB) The heart is deceitful, trust in God, God will test the heart
Rom 12:16 Do not be wise in your own opinion
1 Cor 3:18-20 (LB) Don’t deceive yourself, be wise in this age. Become a fool and believe in wisdom of God
Don’t trust scholars, study of words
false ministers
Mal 2:12, 6-9 God will cut of the master, scholar who abandons God and marries daughters of strange gods
Isa 9:14-16 God will cut off the head and tail from Israel, the elder and honorable, the leaders
Matt 15:13-14 Pharisees were blind leaders of the blind, both will fall into the ditch
Matt 23:8-13 Call no man Father, Rabbi or Teacher
Luke 11:45-52 (LB)Woe to you lawyers. Give heavy burden that don’t do themselves, leaders that killed prophets. Lawyers have taken away key of knowledge, hindered those who wanted religious knowledge
John 3:9-12 Jesus rebuked Nicodemus for being a master (teacher) but didn’t understand what Jesus said
Rom 2:17-24 Jews who boast at being instructors of God’s law but don’t keep it themselves
1 Cor 1:18-25 God will destroy the wisdom of the wise, the truth is foolishness to them
1 Tim 1:3-7 Don’t give heed to fables and genealogies. Some desire to be teachers but understand not
1 Tim 6:3-5 Don’t get into disputes and arguments over words, from which come strife, reviling, evil
2 Tim 2:14-16 Don’t strive about words to no profit, rightly divide the word of truth
2 Tim 4::3-4 God’s people will not endure sound doctrine, but seek teachers who take them away from truth
2 Pet 2:1-2 Watch out for false teachers in the church bringing in destructive heresies
1 Thes 5:21 Don’t “trust” ministers, follow them as they follow Christ, you proving all things
Rom 10:14 Can’t hear without a minister
1 Cor 11:1 Follow me as I follow Christ
Dan 12:4 Knowledge will increase in the end time, but what a evil time that will be
James 3:13-18 Earthly wisdom results in sin, envying, strife, evil. Seek wisdom from above which is peace, love
Trust God, Not in the Physical
Our Physical World
Makes Faith Difficult
(Living Bible)
Trust Not in Wealth -- Part 1
Trust Not in Men -- Part 2
Trust Not in Knowledge -- Part 3
Part 4 May
17, 2008 Trust Not In
A Church
Don’t trust in false gods (any thing we
put in the place of God)
Psa 115:4-8 Idols that can’t speak or move. Those who make or trust in them are like them
Psa 135:15-18 Ditto
Wealth, military, computers, etc.
Hab 2:18-20 What profit is an idol, that its maker should trust in it. Other religions, false Christianity
Isa 44:14-20 How dumb to take piece of wood, use some it for a fire and carve an idol from the rest
Isa 57:13 When disobedient Israel cries out to God, He will say let your idols deliver you
Acts 7:39-43 Israel didn’t trust God, wanted Aaron to build an idol. God gave them over to host heaven
Rom 1:21-25 (LB) 25 … So they prayed to the things God made, but wouldn’t obey the blessed God who made these things. Evolution, own minds, science, knowledge, etc.
Rev 13:11-15 World will worship an idol once again
Don’t trust in own beauty
1 Sam 16:7 Don’t judge based on the outward appearance, for the Lord looks at the heart
2 Sam 14:25 Absalom was most handsome man in Israel, had a beautiful daughter
Prov 31:30 Beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the Lord shall be praised
Eze 16:9-17 God blessed Israel and she trusted in her beauty. Took what God gave her and made idols
Eze 28:16-17 Tyre, i.e., Satan’s heart lifted up because of his beauty and became corrupted
either, next topic
Don’t trust in God’s temple or that are
of the seed of Israel’s children
Jer 7:1-16 Don’t trust in the Temple of God when you are disobedient. Repent and I will protect you
Isa 48:1-2 Israel calls themselves the holy city, but not in truth nor in righteousness
1 Sam 4:3 Israel trusted in the ark, but didn’t trust or obey God
Micah 3:11 Priest teach for pay, yet lean on God and say God is among us, no harm can come upon us
trust false ministers or false prophets – be careful that you’re not following
a false minister
Deut 13:1-5
Jer 28:14-17 Jeremiah told Hananiah he made the people trust in a lie (Babylon) and would die
Jer 29:30-32 ditto for Shemaiah
Amos 5:21-25 God says He hates the sacrifices and hymns of praise of Israel. Obey instead.
Matt 3:7-9 Pharisees said they were Abraham’s children
Luke 3:8 ditto
Rom 2:17-23 Jews boast that (only) they know the God and His laws, to teach others, yet don’t obey
Rev 2 & 3 Most of these churches have major problems. And we’re told to listen to message to all
Heb 3:7-19 Israel didn’t want to trust in God, wanted idols, pagan gods to trust in
Heb 4:1-3 Same can happen to us
Trust God, Not in the Physical
Our Physical World
Makes Faith Difficult
(Living Bible)
Part 5 June
21, 2008 Trust In God
Trust not in wealth (money), sword and foreign alliances (army), men (friends, relatives, mankind), doctors, physical wisdom and knowledge, scholars, false ministers, idols (anything that takes place of God, appearance – physical or spiritual, church (we are God’s people)
Jer 15:15-21 Jeremiah complained because he had to preach destruction. God told him to stop his distrust and despair and God would give him peace of mind. God would strengthen him.
1 Tim 4:1 In the latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to doctrine of demons
2 Tim 3:1-9 In the last days perilous times. Men shall be lovers of own selves, having a form of godliness
2 Pet 3:3-4 Scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, saying where is God?
2 Cor 1:8-11 God let’s us suffer trials so we learn the lesson not to trust in ourselves
2 Cor 4:16-18 We do not look at the things which can be seen which are temporary, but the things which are not seen which are eternal
Col 3:1-3 Seek those things which are above, not the things on the earth
Matt 6:24 Can’t serve two masters, physical trust vs. spiritual trust
1 John 2:15-17 Don’t love the things in the world, if do love of Father not in us.
Matt 10:28-33 Don’t fear men that can kill the body, but God that can destroy the soul.
Rom 10:11 Scripture says (Isa 28:16) whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame
Jer 17:5-10 Cursed are those who put their trust in mere humans. Blessed is the man who trust in God. He will be like a tree planted by the waters.
Lam 3:25-33 Wait quietly on God. God doesn’t abandon anyone forever. Though He brings grief, He also show compassion.
Micah 7:5-10 Don’t trust anyone, not a best friend or family. Look to God
Isa 2:6-22 When God punishes His enemies they will crawl into caves. Stop putting your trust in mere humans, how can they be of help to anyone
Isa 31:1-9 God says woe to Israel for trusting in Egypt instead of Him
Psa 146:3-4 Do not put your trust in princes, nor the son of man in whom there is no help
Psa 118:8-9 Better to trust in the Lord then put confidence in man or princes
Psa 62:5-8 Wait and trust in God, Rock of our salvation. Men are a vapor (comparison). Don’t trust in oppression
Psa 56:11 Trust in God, what can man do to us.
Psa 55:22-23 Cast your burden on God. He will not permit the righteous to be moved. Blood thirsty men cast down. But we should trust in God.
Psa 40:4-5 Blessed is man who makes the Lord his trust. And does not respect the proud or liars
Psa 39:1-7 Remember how short our lives are, trust in God
Psa 37:1-5 Don’t envy wicked. Trust in God and do good. Commit everything you do to God. Trust Him and He will help you.
Why do we trust God and not the physical things around us? Because they can’t help us in the long run, only God can.